Sunday 28 July 2013

August Meeting - Thursday August 1st 7PM

Quilting or Camping - why not have both ?!

Pictured above is a quilted yurt we saw at the Chicago Quilt Show in June, the entire yurt was made of quilts inside and out - this is an inside shot, doesn't it look cozy? And it was about 5 degrees warmer when you stepped inside. So if you have nothing else to do this summer, why not start building your very own "quilt tent"!

At our next meeting we will be cutting and sewing again. If you would like to work on our August block of the month, please bring the colours blue & cream, no flowers to keep it guy friendly, a fat quarter size of each should be good. Remember to bring all your sewing gear and extension cords. Jodie will be there at 6:30PM if you want to come early.

We still have quilt tops that need to be quilted, so please help us out by bringing one home to quilt - remember, even stitch in the ditch is a great way to quilt these quilts so that we can get them done and hand them out to those who would be comforted by them.

Ruth will do our devotion - the name of Jesus "Bridegroom", "Husband" and Jodie and Toni will be demonstrating a couple of binding and boarder techniques.

Check out the "Blog List" on the right hand side of the page. These are links to blogs I find interesting, please feel free to email me your favourite blog or website to add to the list. You will also see on the right side a "follow by email" spot - if you put your email address in there, when I post a new message it will automatically go right to your email inbox. Be sure to check out the "Canadian Quilt Talk" Radio (or podcast) on the "Explore Fibre" link - if you scroll down the page you will see "Episode 004" or something like that, click on it and you will be able to listen to the podcast - its all Canadian, all about quilting, a new show every Thursday!

*Please Note* - we will not be meeting in the big hall that we usually meet in at the church (due to refinishing the floors), we will be meeting in the old hall of the church, near the front of the church - Rebecca, Ruth's daughter will be outside to direct you when you arrive.

1 comment:

  1. HI;
    It is Jackie from CQA, you left a comment telling me that the email said Quilt BC, can u either forward that email to me, or be more specific... it is a problem that we need to fix. you can email me at
